After a hearty breakfast of Nutella at the hotel we are off for our day trip to Ravenna.
We figured out how to use the ticket machines at the train station. That made us very proud of ourselves.
And hour later and look! (You thought we wouldn't make it didn't you?)
Ravenna is chock full of really old churches, and I'm not talking Rennaissance here people. When I say old I mean old. 6th century old. Like gettin' all Byzantine on your ass!
So here is one called San Giovanni Evangelista (no relation to Linda).
Only slightly newer is this delicious invention. Because triangular pizza is SO over.
Here's the church that everyone comes to Ravenna to see: San Vitale.
Now I know it just looks like a big brown thing on the outside, but you just wait.
Cue the choir singing, "AHHHHHH"
You thought painting your ceilings was a pain in the neck.
There were these dudes with attitude.
Cute. But the real reason these churches are so special are the mosaics. I'm talking like crazy complicated, burn your retinas out putting it together, mosaics. They are impressive!
That is all made of little tiny stone tiles. Oh look, there's a cute little goat!
More dudes in mosaic.
This dude's standing way to close to that fire...
12 dudes. (I think they're called apostles.)
Translate that and you win $50.
Sadly, the yarn shop was closed.
So we had to settle for Dante's final resting place instead, which was open.
Buon giorno Signor Alighieri!
We bid a quick farewell to Garibaldi and were off to catch the train back to Bologna.
Now on to more important matters. Finding gelato.
where do you find the time to take pix, post them and then write comments? I love to see your Italy.
Love to Pei-hsin. Hank
PS did you go to the square where they have the annual horse race?
Oh I've always wanted to go to Ravenna to see San Vitale. Your trip looks so fun! I think I'll be working in London about 5 wks this summer--wanna come back to Europe to visit???
hi to your mom...
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