Lots of stuff to see so let's get going!
This is what we see when we look out our window: a lovely little pedestrian street.
Just a block down is the Piazza Maggiore (The Majorly Big Plaza). It's where everyone in Bologna comes to meet, chat, riot and show off their cute little doggies.
It's also where they apparently celebrate football victories. They all stand around and blow air horns for an hour. Today we found out that they beat Pisa. Yea Bologna! Boo Pisa!!!
Located in the Piazza is this impressive fountain of Neptune. Nice abs.
Below Neptune are these gals. They shoot water out of their boobies.
Bologna is a beautiful city known for it's red buildings and porticos. You can walk miles completely sheltered by these graceful arches with marble walkways underfoot. It's really lovely.
And if you're going to have a McDonald's why not have it under one of these wonderful porticos? Almost makes you want to go in for a BigMac.
We took the tour bus up to the hills section of the city. It left us there with instructions to walk down the lovely paths to the next bus stop and enjoy the views. The views were lovely, but the paths were non-existent so we walked along the road and came to the next bus stop. Unfortunately, today they decided not to run the buses between 12:30-3:00 so we had no choice but to walk back into the center. It is my feeling that we should just stay away from all forms of transportation until this curse is lifted.
But when God closes down the tour bus somewhere he opens a photo-op (or something like that). We passed this little church where they were putting together these beautiful mosaics outside.
They are completely made of flower petals. Bellissima!
Scooters are everywhere and look like so much fun to tool around on. We most definitely will not be doing any tooling.
We stopped for a lunch al fresco (outside) at a little cafe. I, of course, had Lasgana Emiliana.
Mom had the twisty pastas (to be technical about it) with clams and zucchini blossoms.
Both were delicioso.
We saw the innards of three churches. They were all spectacular and made an impression, even on these two heathens.
Did I mention, though, how utterly evil Italy is? This picture should give you an idea what I mean.
We passed by the birthplace of the Zamboni. Jon, Robin, I just made that up.
Then we found our kind of church. The Gelatteria!
I don't know what samurais and mascarpone have to do with one another but I'm sure neither minds the association. I had limone and Mom had some kind of crazy hazelnut Nutella. concoction.
We praise the ice cream gods.
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